Road Testing a Rio
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Road Tripping to the Gates of Oklahoma
This past weekend, I took a Kia Rio EX 5-door hatchback to visit my in-laws in Oklahoma. Using the hashtag #rioooklahoma, we took to the highways in the aptly named Silver Bullet II, and our fans and followers took part in the trip.
Storified by Starla Mint · Fri, Dec 14 2012 08:49:02
The trip got off to a later than anticipated start, but still early-ish nonetheless. We gassed up the Rio at a St. Charles gas station and only $29.87 to fill the car up completely. Our voyage would start with the strange winds and turns through Gray Summit, befitting of the cold, dreary day of weather ahead.
Baby Rio got back[end]. #rioooklahoma Fusz Kia
One of our followers, a Mizzou fan, didn't necessarily approve of the OU decal on the back, but being a Sooner alumni is an element of pride.
@fuszkia I like the car, hate the deal on the back. #MIZMatt Fitzpatrick
@reverendfitty Boomer!Lou Fusz Kia
Near the two hour mark we checked our mileage just to be safe and were nowhere near in need of a stop to get more gas. The road to Oklahoma is always interesting; farms dot the whole ride, but each farm or ranch is a little different and there are always distinct landmarks and quirky components to observe.
Hour two-ish of #rioooklahoma! So far I’ve seen a lot of horses, HUGE crows, a beautiful bluejay, and…EMUS! Fusz Kia
Our intern Jenn over at @FuszKia is taking a roadtrip out west today! Follow #rioooklahoma this afternoon to see where she stops.Lou Fusz Toyota
@fuszkia #rioooklahoma NICE! Have fun, Jen!Lou Fusz Buick GMC
RT @grantsales: #rioooklahoma: The ONLY hashtag you need to follow today! // Hahahaha!Starla Mint
Music is always one of the most important facets of a road trip. A little outside of Cuba, Missouri our St. Louis radio stations started to fade. We listened to Bernie Miklasz discuss Rams quarterback, and another former OU alum (Boomer!), Sam Bradford until the signal was lost. We then started to take to Twitter for musical suggestions. Fans and followers did not disappoint and gave us varying musical genres and recommendations.
Driving down to Norman (Boomer!) and testing to see how far out we can listen to the @BernieShow on the radio. Fading in Cuba…Starla Mint
@itsjuststarla @BernieShow You can get the show as far as Rolla, but it gets bad in Rolla. lolJohn Nagle
Listened to @Bernieshow and now we are listening to @girltalk. Suggestions for #rioooklahoma music?! Fusz Kia
@fuszkia gwar, pantera, megadeth, iron maiden, slayer, the xxibarczewski
@fuszkia Gotta be some Tom Waits!Grant Sales
Boasting an extremely impressive fuel efficiency, the Rio got us far from home without hurting the wallet too much.
We’re 65 miles outside of Springfield, MO (left from St. Charles) & still have over 1/2 tank of gas. Gotta love the @Kia Rio! #rioooklahomaLou Fusz Kia
Other great facets of the Rio, like it's roomy interior, were discovered during our 8 hour ride to Oklahoma.
Just had an epic #rioooklahoma dance party. It may be a compact car but it definitely fits these smooth dance moves!Lou Fusz Kia
We also kept ourselves entertained
the one time
we had to stop for gasoline...
I'm at Sinclair Travel Center Tulsa Ok (Tulsa, OK) [pic]: Mint
Oh, you know...just hanging with my friend - the dinosaur. OMG YES. Mint
I also made sure to show other Kia dealerships some love, because it's really hard to hate anything Kia related.
A Kia dealer! (@ Big Red Sports & Imports) Mint
I'm at Kingdom Kia (Rolla, MO) Mint
The trip back was uneventful, but again, we only had to stop
for gas, and that stop was merely to top up. We spent a little over $60 to get us to, from, and around Oklahoma City to St. Louis. If you're looking for a fuel efficient, smooth-riding, and sleek car, the Rio has everything you need and more.
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