A few weeks ago, I blogged about going “Over the River and
Through the Woods” during the holiday season – and I meant more than just the
song. It was about spending more time travelling in your car than any other
time of the year. Sure, the holidays may be over, but winter is still in full
effect and there are plenty of things you should keep in your car to ensure
safety in various incidents and winter weather conditions.
- Flashlight: Remember making shadows on the wall with a flashlight when you were a kid? While they were fun and games back then, they could significantly help if you get into a situation while on the road. The light alone could be enough to warn fellow drivers, help to signal for assistance, and potentially aid your own vision if your lights go out. Flares are also a great thing to have in your car with you, but a flashlight will work in a pinch if responders can’t find or see you.
- Blankets: Whether your car battery dies or you’re waiting on help to come save you and your car, you’re going to want to stay warm.
- Bag of Traction: You’re probably asking yourself what I mean by a bag of something intangible. Sand, salt, and kitty litter all provide traction in the instance that you get stuck in ice or snow. All of these things will also add weight to your car, which will help with general traction.
- Ice Scraper: Sure, this seems like a no-brainer, but there are some drivers who either don’t have one or have one and don’t use it. Get one and use it! Any ice scraper will work, even the free one you got from that hockey game 4 years ago, but if you can get an ice scraper with a brush on it (to clear away any remaining snow) you’ll be better off.
- Human First Aid Kit: You’ll understand why I specified a “human” first aid kit in a moment. Anyone anywhere should have a first aid kit, and this is especially true if you drive. Gadling, and AOL Travel blog, has one of the best views regarding first aid kits, saying “you can’t use it if it’s not with you” and refers to a first aid kit as “an insurance policy that I hope to never use”. Gadling has a list of 22 things to put in your first aid kit (flashlight included!) and suggests placing the items in a polycarbonate water bottle to prevent crushing anything and keeping your items waterproof. Go here for the full list from Gadling and get to packing!
- Automobile First Aid Kit: Otherwise known as a roadside emergency kit, this should include several jumper cables, tire sealant, tow ropes, and other small car repair accessories. Small items like batteries, gloves, and funnels are also great to have in the kit just in case. Here is a link to assist you in making your own car repair/roadside kit.